What would Trump-friendly
NATO look like? In January, The Alphen Group published Atlantic Charter
2025: A New NATO Deal for America in which we laid out a clear plan written
by NATO planners. Under the TAG plan the Europe Future Force would build on
NATO’s current Force Model particularly the Allied Reaction Force to generate 4
fully enabled, fully ready mobile warfighting corps (30,000 troops minimum), 2 ‘shield’
corps based in Poland and Romania, 3 fully enabled, fully ready Composite Air
Strike Forces (CASF) (both aircraft and missiles), and 2 fully enabled, fully ready Non-US Standing
Fleets. In return, the US would maintain
in Europe IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES a fully enabled, fully ready warfighting corps (V
Corps), a Composite Air Strike Force and the US 6th Fleet.
For details read
Atlantic Charter 2025: A New NATO Deal for America at https://thealphengroup.com/2025/01/12/atlantic-charter-2025-a-new-nato-deal-for-america/
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