Alphen, Netherlands, 10
February. ‘Offset’; the maintenance of strategic
comparative advantage by maximising one’s own strengths, and successfully exploiting
the weaknesses of adversaries and enemies. At present I am drafting a major,
high-level GLOBSEC report on ‘adapting’ NATO to meet the risks, challenges and threats
of the twenty-first century. In many ways ‘Adaptation’ is NATO’s own offset
strategy, with innovation the key. As I draft the report I am struck by the
extent and the pace of the Innovation Race in which the Alliance must now
In the past NATO and its nations
have tended to enjoy the ‘luxury’ of being able to confront threats in
isolation. NATO’s essential challenge today is that it must deter and defend
successfully against a range of threats across the conflict spectrum, and at
one and the same time. Indeed, whilst there might be no formal alliance between
illiberal states and the likes of Al Qaeda and Islamic State, there is clearly
a series of very dangerous linkages.
There are also a range of
adversarial states and non-state actors, including China and Russia that are
seeking to ‘offset’ NATO. At the higher-end of the conflict spectrum strategies
range from the rapid development and modernisation of nuclear weapons, long-strike
missiles and anti-space capabilities, allied to new anti-ship and anti-air
military systems, cyber warfare, enhanced electronic warfare and Special Forces.
At the medium to lower end of the spectrum assets, capabilities and strategies
range from the use of cyber to disrupt society, including denial of service
attacks on critical infrastructure, the use of the internet to further
destabilise the already fragile social cohesion of rapidly changing Western societies,
leavened by the extensive use of ‘fake news’ to polarise opinion in Western
societies. Terror attacks seek to leverage strategic influence by cowering already
sensitised populations into fatalistic submission.
The first and main offset threat to
NATO is Russia’s growing reliance on a mix of nuclear weapons and hybrid
warfare to offset what Moscow sees as NATO’s on-paper conventional military
superiority. The second offset threat is that posed by Al Qaeda and Islamic
State to Allied societies and with it the danger that terrorism will over time erode
the protection of the home base, and profoundly weaken the ability of the
Alliance to project security as people lose faith in the ability of governments
to secure and defend them. However, there is a third offset threat which
ironically could be posed by America’s own offset strategy. Technology drives
and shapes policy and strategy often as much as it is shaped by them. There is now
a very real danger that technologically-driven US ‘milstrat’ will advance so
far ahead of allies that military interoperability, and in time political
cohesion, will become impossible to maintain.
The US is looking to develop a
range of capabilities and capacities that will widen the already significant
chasm between US forces and those of its European Allies. At the high-end of
the conflict spectrum such developments include new nuclear and space-based
capabilities, advanced sensors, extreme range stand-off weapons and
communication systems, the development of advanced missile defence, as well as
offensive and defensive cyber capabilities.
The US is also looking further
out to the future of warfare by seeking to decisively exploit new technologies
by looking into areas such as robotics, system autonomy, miniaturisation, and
big data. This strategy includes the development of a more innovative
relationship between the Pentagon and US industry to better exploit the entire
national supply chain (not simply the defence supply chain). US defence
innovation also seeks to establish a form of entrepreneurial security and
defence procurement that will lock both innovation and competition into the
provision of the future US joint force. Europe? Whilst the British are doing some
work in these areas London is investing nothing like the level of political and
real capital currently being invested by the Americans. The rest of austerity Europe
is being left far, far behind in the innovation arms race.
NATO Adaptation must be part of
the innovation Race. Indeed, Adaptation will only lead to a reinvigorated Alliance
deterrence and defence posture if it is part of a sustained and systematic
Allied strategy to balance protection and projection. Today, there is a very
real danger that efforts by adversaries and enemies to offset US strengths will
render an already far weaker and more vulnerable Europe, super-vulnerable to
attack. That, to say the least, would be a strategic paradox, if not a little
NATO’s Innovation Race is not dissimilar
to the naval arms race that took place between Britain and Imperial Germany
between 1898 and 1914, with consequences that could be just as profound, and just
as dangerous. The bottom-line is this; if the Alliance is to successfully ‘Adapt’
to the twenty-first century’s hyper-complex strategic environment America’s
allies will need to smart up, not force America to dumb down.
Julian Lindley-French
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